A road safety audit is a formal examination of a future road or traffic project, or an existing road or road-related area. RSA can help reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Ontario’s roads. Regularly conducting road safety audits helps to embed road safety in the design process and normalize it as a design input, rather than a byproduct of following design guidelines.
Below is a list of certified road safety auditors from across Ontario who have completed the Good Roads x Safe System Solution Road Safety Auditor course and have learned how to conduct a Road Safety Audit in accordance with the 2023 Good Roads Road Safety Audit Guidelines.
First Name | Last Name | Current Organization | |
Steve | Adams | sadams@bayham.on.ca | Municipality of Bayham |
Clare | Amicarelli | camicarelli@citywindsor.ca | City of Windsor |
Lucas | Andre | landre@countyofrenfrew.on.ca | County of Renfrew |
Justine | Arbour | jarbour@hcei.ca | Hrycay Consulting Engineers Inc. |
Mark | Ayton | mayton@saferoadseng.com | Safe Roads Engineering |
Thomas | Barakat | thomas@goodroads.ca | Good Roads |
Michael | Behm | mebehm@countyofrenfrew.on.ca | County of Renfrew |
Samantha | Bennett | sbennett@30fe.com | |
Eric | Bentzen-Bilkvist | eric.bentzen-bilkvist@burlington.ca | City of Burlington |
Andrew | Blackburn | andrew@goodroads.ca | Good Roads |
Robert (Jim) | Borton | jborton@blandfordblenheim.ca | Township of Blandford-Blenheim |
Nathaniel | Bowen | nathaniel.bowen@muskoka.on.ca | District Municipality of Muskoka |
Brock | Brunton-Elliott | bbruntonelliott@brighton.ca | Municipality of Brighton |
Brad | Byvelds | b.byvelds@novatech-eng.com | Novatech |
Matthew | Chestnut | mchestnut@dillon.ca | Dillon Consulting Limited |
Josh | Collins | josh.collins@muskoka.on.ca | District Municipality of Muskoka |
Kimberly | Conway | kimberly.conway@muskoka.on.ca | District Municipality of Muskoka |
Essam | Dabbour | edabbour@edaforensics.com | EDA Forensics |
Kyle | Darling | kdarling@ptbocounty.ca | County of Peterborough |
Ryan | DeSutter | rdesutter@malahide.ca | Township of Malahide |
Josee | Dumont | jdumont@tnsgroup.ca | True North Safety Group |
Dan | Fencott | dan@jewelleng.ca | Jewell Engineering Inc. |
Jon | Fisher | j.fisher@cityssm.on.ca | City of Sault Ste. Marie |
Andrew | Giesen | giesen@middlesexcentre.ca | Municipality of Middlesex Centre |
Max | Gill | max.gill@mississauga.ca | City of Mississauga |
Tom | Gmyrek | Tom.Gmyrek@greatersudbury.ca | City of Greater Sudbury |
Christian | Gonzalez | cgonzalez@aforensics.ca | Advantage Forensics |
Miranda | Gray | mirgray@gmail.com | Miranda Gray |
Emma | Hartog | ehartog@ptbocounty.ca | County of Peterborough |
Bruce | Hilborn | bhilborn@dufferincounty.ca | County of Dufferin |
Ryan | Hillinger | rhillinger@middlesex.ca | County of Middlesex |
Ron | Hogan | ronh@quintewest.ca | City of Quinte West |
Scott | Hutchinson | scotth@quintewest.ca | City of Quinte West |
Robert | Jackson | robert.jackson@quintewest.ca | City of Quinte West |
Michael | Jans | mjans@sdgcounties.ca | United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry |
Rick | Kester | rick.kester@uclg.on.ca | United Counties of Leeds and Grenville |
Imran | Khalid | ikhalid@huroncounty.ca | County of Huron |
Mark | Khull | m.khull@cityssm.on.ca | City of Sault Ste. Marie |
Christine | Kinahan | ckinahan@lincoln.ca | Town of Lincoln |
Chris | Kirby | chris.kirby@tulloch.ca | Tulloch Engineering |
Brody | Lehman | blehman@countyofrenfrew.on.ca | County of Renfrew |
Jared | LeMay | jared@goodroads.ca | Good Roads |
Brian | Lewis | blewis@pembroke.ca | City of Pembroke |
Abbly | Liu | aliu@newtecumseth.ca | Town of New Tecumseth |
Jennifer | Luong | j.luong@novatech-eng.com | Novatech |
Dax | McAllister | Dax.McAllister@greatersudbury.ca | Town of The Blue Mountains |
Marielle | McLaughlin | mmclaughlin@pembroke.ca | City of Pembroke |
Amin | Mneina | amin@goodroads.ca | Good Roads |
Rani | Nahas | rnahas@jlrichards.ca | J.L. Richards & Associates Limited |
Clay | Newman | clay.newman@muskoka.on.ca | Township of Severn |
Chris | O’Sullivan | cosullivan@loyalist.ca | Loyalist Township |
Denis | Paradis | denis.paradis@ottawa.ca | City of Ottawa |
Surya | Partap | spartap@haliburtoncounty.ca | County of Haliburton |
Milan | Pavlovic | milan.pavlovic@mississauga.ca | City of Mississauga |
Darek | Pest | darek.pest@mississauga.ca | City of Mississauga |
Graeme | Pickett | gpickett@peterborough.ca | City of Peterborough |
Brad | Porter | bporter@saferoadseng.com | Safe Roads Engineering |
Jack | Ready | readyj1997@gmail.com | City of Burlington |
Paul | Renaud | paul.renaud@egis-group.com | EGIS CANADA LTD. |
Walter Gerald (gerry) | Rhodes | rhodes@vianet.ca | Bikers Rights Organization |
Doug | Saccoccia | dsaccoccia@ptbocounty.ca | County of Peterborough |
Reilly | Sheil | reilly.sheil@quintewest.ca | City of Quinte West |
Lauren | Short | lauren.short@guelph.ca | City of Guelph |
Andrew | Sleegers | asleegers@elgin.ca | Municipality of Central Elgin |
James | Smith | james@goodroads.ca | Good Roads |
Alison | Stewart | alison.stewart@cycleto.ca | Cycle Toronto |
Scott | Thomson | sthomson@oro-medonte.ca | Township of Oro-Medonte |
Jim | Turner | jimt@quintewest.ca | City of Quinte West |
Clayton | Watters | cwatters2017@gmail.com | CD Watters Engineering Ltd. |
Mark | Wilson | mwilson@temiskamingshores.ca | City of Temiskaming Shores |
Jeff | Wolfe | jwolfe@town.stmarys.on.ca | Separated Town of St. Marys |
Dan | Wood | dwood@lambtonshores.ca | Municipality of Lambton Shores |