Road Safety Auditors

A road safety audit is a formal examination of a future road or traffic project, or an existing road or road-related area. RSA can help reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Ontario’s roads. Regularly conducting road safety audits helps to embed road safety in the design process and normalize it as a design input, rather than a byproduct of following design guidelines.

Below is a list of certified road safety auditors from across Ontario who have completed the Good Roads x Safe System Solution Road Safety Auditor course and have learned how to conduct a Road Safety Audit in accordance with the 2023 Good Roads Road Safety Audit Guidelines.


First Name Last Name Email Current Organization
Steve Adams sadams@bayham.on.ca Municipality of Bayham
Clare Amicarelli camicarelli@citywindsor.ca City of Windsor
Lucas Andre landre@countyofrenfrew.on.ca County of Renfrew
Justine Arbour jarbour@hcei.ca Hrycay Consulting Engineers Inc.
Mark Ayton mayton@saferoadseng.com Safe Roads Engineering
Thomas Barakat thomas@goodroads.ca Good Roads
Michael Behm mebehm@countyofrenfrew.on.ca County of Renfrew
Samantha Bennett sbennett@30fe.com
Eric Bentzen-Bilkvist eric.bentzen-bilkvist@burlington.ca City of Burlington
Andrew Blackburn andrew@goodroads.ca Good Roads
Robert (Jim) Borton jborton@blandfordblenheim.ca Township of Blandford-Blenheim
Nathaniel Bowen nathaniel.bowen@muskoka.on.ca District Municipality of Muskoka
Brock Brunton-Elliott bbruntonelliott@brighton.ca Municipality of Brighton
Brad Byvelds b.byvelds@novatech-eng.com Novatech
Matthew Chestnut mchestnut@dillon.ca Dillon Consulting Limited
Josh Collins josh.collins@muskoka.on.ca District Municipality of Muskoka
Kimberly Conway kimberly.conway@muskoka.on.ca District Municipality of Muskoka
Essam Dabbour edabbour@edaforensics.com EDA Forensics
Kyle Darling kdarling@ptbocounty.ca County of Peterborough
Ryan DeSutter rdesutter@malahide.ca Township of Malahide
Josee Dumont jdumont@tnsgroup.ca True North Safety Group
Dan Fencott dan@jewelleng.ca Jewell Engineering Inc.
Jon Fisher j.fisher@cityssm.on.ca City of Sault Ste. Marie
Andrew Giesen giesen@middlesexcentre.ca Municipality of Middlesex Centre
Max Gill max.gill@mississauga.ca City of Mississauga
Tom Gmyrek Tom.Gmyrek@greatersudbury.ca City of Greater Sudbury
Christian Gonzalez cgonzalez@aforensics.ca Advantage Forensics
Miranda Gray mirgray@gmail.com Miranda Gray
Emma Hartog ehartog@ptbocounty.ca County of Peterborough
Bruce Hilborn bhilborn@dufferincounty.ca County of Dufferin
Ryan Hillinger rhillinger@middlesex.ca County of Middlesex
Ron Hogan ronh@quintewest.ca City of Quinte West
Scott Hutchinson scotth@quintewest.ca City of Quinte West
Robert Jackson robert.jackson@quintewest.ca City of Quinte West
Michael Jans mjans@sdgcounties.ca United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry
Rick Kester rick.kester@uclg.on.ca United Counties of Leeds and Grenville
Imran Khalid ikhalid@huroncounty.ca County of Huron
Mark Khull m.khull@cityssm.on.ca City of Sault Ste. Marie
Christine Kinahan ckinahan@lincoln.ca Town of Lincoln
Chris Kirby chris.kirby@tulloch.ca Tulloch Engineering
Brody Lehman blehman@countyofrenfrew.on.ca County of Renfrew
Jared LeMay jared@goodroads.ca Good Roads
Brian Lewis blewis@pembroke.ca City of Pembroke
Abbly Liu aliu@newtecumseth.ca Town of New Tecumseth
Jennifer Luong j.luong@novatech-eng.com Novatech
Dax McAllister Dax.McAllister@greatersudbury.ca Town of The Blue Mountains
Marielle McLaughlin mmclaughlin@pembroke.ca City of Pembroke
Amin Mneina amin@goodroads.ca Good Roads
Rani Nahas rnahas@jlrichards.ca J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
Clay Newman clay.newman@muskoka.on.ca Township of Severn
Chris O’Sullivan cosullivan@loyalist.ca Loyalist Township
Denis Paradis denis.paradis@ottawa.ca City of Ottawa
Surya Partap spartap@haliburtoncounty.ca County of Haliburton
Milan Pavlovic milan.pavlovic@mississauga.ca City of Mississauga
Darek Pest darek.pest@mississauga.ca City of Mississauga
Graeme Pickett gpickett@peterborough.ca City of Peterborough
Brad Porter bporter@saferoadseng.com Safe Roads Engineering
Jack Ready readyj1997@gmail.com City of Burlington
Paul Renaud paul.renaud@egis-group.com EGIS CANADA LTD.
Walter Gerald (gerry) Rhodes rhodes@vianet.ca Bikers Rights Organization
Doug Saccoccia dsaccoccia@ptbocounty.ca County of Peterborough
Reilly Sheil reilly.sheil@quintewest.ca City of Quinte West
Lauren Short lauren.short@guelph.ca City of Guelph
Andrew Sleegers asleegers@elgin.ca Municipality of Central Elgin
James Smith james@goodroads.ca Good Roads
Alison Stewart alison.stewart@cycleto.ca Cycle Toronto
Scott Thomson sthomson@oro-medonte.ca Township of Oro-Medonte
Jim Turner jimt@quintewest.ca City of Quinte West
Clayton Watters cwatters2017@gmail.com CD Watters Engineering Ltd.
Mark Wilson mwilson@temiskamingshores.ca City of Temiskaming Shores
Jeff Wolfe jwolfe@town.stmarys.on.ca Separated Town of St. Marys
Dan Wood dwood@lambtonshores.ca Municipality of Lambton Shores