Holiday Inn Oakville Centre, 590 Argus Rd., Oakville, ON L6J 3J3
This intensive course introduces you to the fundamental design principles used to estimate stormwater runoff and the principles used to design storm water systems.
Course Content
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for those who have been engaged in the technical aspect of stormwater management, for example engineers, civil or environmental technologists, draft persons, development design technologists, water resource and development engineers.
What to Expect
During this course, you can expect to be actively engaged in the learning of the stormwater design process by completing exercises and demonstrating knowledge by executing advanced formulae in Excel.
NOTE: Each student must bring their own laptop with licensed version of Microsoft Excel 2007 or Excel Office 365 installed. Students should also bring a metric engineering scale, pens, and mechanical pencils (and computer reading glasses if required)
You should have good comprehension of math and be familiar with the use and manipulation of advanced algebraic formulas and the use of Microsoft Excel software, as the course involves the use of these formulae and Excel worksheets to solve storm sewer design and related problems.
Any pre-reading on the use of Rational Method of sewer design, Manning’s and Continuity equations would be beneficial. Students should be able to create, format and use simple spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. Familiarity with various pipe materials used and installation of municipal services would be an asset.
Evaluation Process
Evaluation is completed in two parts.
In-class final closed book exam. Passing Grade: 60%.
Final assignment. The final assignment can be completed in class or can be taken home the weekend immediately following the course to complete. This assignment will be due by the Monday immediately following the course. This assignment will be graded as either successful or unsuccessful.
This course is recognized by:
Register Online or send to or fax to 289-291-6477.