Joseph has 20 years of progressive experience in the field of Municipal Transportation and Operations Management working at the City of Belleville. He oversees Public Works, Transit Operations, Parks and Open Spaces, and Fleet Operations. Joseph is a Certified Engineering Technologist (CET), and a Certified Road Supervisor (CRS). He’s involved in: OGRA TJ Mahoney Road School, District 8 Road Supervisor’s Association, Eastern Lake Ontario Parks Association, Ontario Public Transit Association, and is currently the 2nd Vice President of Association of Ontario Road Supervisors. He teaches Part-time in the Civil Engineering Program at Loyalist College.
Joseph has 20 years of experience in the field of Municipal Transportation and Operations Management working at the City of Belleville. He oversees Public Works, Transit Operations, Parks and Open Spaces, and Fleet Operations. He teaches part-time in the Civil Engineering Program at Loyalist College.